We look to partner with executives excited by the opportunity to create market leaders


Company Size

$10-100M Revenue / $2M-$10M EBITDA


Operating anywhere in the US

Capital Need

Up to $40M equity, including acquisitions

Your Role

Ideally on-going leadership, but flexible

How we work

We start every investment with a simple question to ourselves and future partners: What can GCP do to improve the people, processes and technology running this company?



We invest in and alongside winning teams. We can help to recruit, train and retain culturally like-minded executives to your organization by articulating our shared vision and appropriately sharing the upside with them. We have helped our businesses transform their approach so employees can stop thinking about their jobs and start thinking about long-term careers.



You have more growth opportunities available than you can reasonably invest behind. The GCP Playbook helps to de-risk you and prioritize your opportunity set to maximize long-term equity value. Whether for sales, operations or technology, we bring you the right resources and create an achievable timetable to get the job done.



Digitization is coming to every industry and the pace of change is accelerating. Winners will be companies who make the transformation easy for their customers and employees. We help bring in the tools that enable operating success and prepare your organization for this future.